Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The odd field of TV meteorology

On one hand, they are scientists and probably have at least a bachelor’s degree. But on the other, the important qualities of a weather man/woman are things like attractiveness and sense of humor.
They take the weather so seriously (see future post about Weather Wars), but everything they say could be wrong. A weather prediction that winds up being off is more than useless, it could ruin your day (or your suede jacket!). Why allow guessing in a news program? Maybe the reporters should start informing us of an impending crime wave or which Golden Girl is most likely to kick the bucket next?
While they’re no-nonsense about persisting with their scientific guesswork, they present it with every absurd bell and wacky whistle they can come up with. They sing, they make pun after pun, they offer trivia, create flamboyant, personalized graphics, share tales of housebreaking their pets, show off their awkward high school photos…. I hope they get paid well for playing the fool for the whole community.
I imagine every weatherman falls into one of two categories. Either they hate every minute because they have to act goofy despite really wanting to be an anchorman or taking weather very seriously. Or they love every minute! Either way, you gotta pity these people!
If weather is so uninteresting and unimportant that they have to jazz it up so much to keep people from turning the channel, why do they spend so much time and energy on it? Or do people really like all the wacky hijinks, and the weather man was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got stuck with the added Fool duties? As much as I don’t care to watch the weather report (it’s Vegas—the weather does not change!), I often find myself grinning, mesmerized by the local Weather Fool. My boyfriend and I tease each other about our attractions to the local weather woman and weather man. Apparently we’re not the only ones—a recent Sonic commercial features the wife of the Sonic couple daydreaming about her sundae and the local meteorologist…. And you remember when Kelly Bundy got a job as the local news program’s Weather Bunny on Married…With Children….
Another post coming about Weather Wars and Doppler Radar madness!

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